Oral History Agreement Form

Oral history agreement form: What it is and why it`s important

Oral history is a method of collecting and preserving historical information through recorded interviews. This method has become increasingly popular in recent years as it provides a unique perspective on historical events and lifestyles. However, conducting oral history interviews requires certain legal and ethical considerations, which is where the oral history agreement form comes into play.

What is an oral history agreement form?

An oral history agreement form is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of conducting an oral history interview. This document sets out the rights and responsibilities of both the interviewer and the interviewee, as well as the intended use of the recorded material.

Why is an oral history agreement form important?

An oral history agreement form is important for several reasons:

1. It ensures the protection of the interviewee`s rights: An oral history agreement form outlines the rights of the interviewee, including their right to privacy and the use of their name and likeness. This document also provides them with the opportunity to request that certain information not be included in the recorded material.

2. It establishes ownership of the recorded material: An oral history agreement form outlines who has ownership of the recorded material, whether it is the interviewer or the interviewee. This is especially important if the recorded material is to be used for commercial purposes.

3. It clarifies the intended use of the recorded material: An oral history agreement form sets out the intended use of the recorded material, whether it is for educational, personal, or commercial purposes. This ensures that the interviewee is aware of how their information will be used.

4. It protects the interviewer from legal disputes: An oral history agreement form provides protection for the interviewer by setting out the terms and conditions of the interview in writing. This can prevent legal disputes from arising in the future.

What should be included in an oral history agreement form?

An oral history agreement form should include the following:

1. The name and contact information of both the interviewer and the interviewee.

2. A description of the project, including its purpose and scope.

3. The intended use of the recorded material.

4. A clear statement of who owns the recorded material.

5. A statement on how the recorded material will be stored and protected.

6. A statement on the interviewee`s right to privacy and the use of their name and likeness.

7. Any restrictions or limitations on the use of the recorded material.


An oral history agreement form is an essential document for conducting oral history interviews. It protects the rights of the interviewee, establishes ownership of the recorded material, clarifies the intended use of the recorded material, and provides protection for the interviewer. By including all the necessary information in the oral history agreement form, both the interviewer and the interviewee can enter into the interview process with a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

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